KG-UV6D Use only on 6D units With FM serial number only Narrow Band Radio KG-UVD1P (use only on units purchased after 2/1/13) With FM serial number KG-UVA1 (use only on units purchased after 2/1/13) With FM serial number
KG-UVD1Pv1.16 (use only on Pre 2013 units) Wide and Narrow KG-UVD1P V2.11 (use only on Pre 2013 units) This applies to all KG-UVD1P, KG-UV5D, UVA1 and 6D radios Using the wrong version software will not work and will damage your radio. Please look at your Wouxun Serial number! Use corresponding software for your serial number. Rebate Forms, Programming Software, Drivers and Files for many of the models we sell